Disclaimer: the LAMP/GLMP web pages that display live, updating data are not considered operational but are available experimentally with no guarantee of availability in the future. The web pages are supported on an 8x5 basis, while the operational LAMP/GLMP data are available and supported 24x7 on NCEP web services. For more information about the data availability on the NCEP web services, see: https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/mdl/lamp-nws-webservices.
Latest Forecast Cycle
Issue Time
Wednesday, March 26 09 UTC
08:59 UTC
Please click on a state to receive all GFS-LAMP (LAV) forecasts available for that state.
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38 hour
CI* = the Caribbean Islands of Cuba(CU), the U.S. Virgin Islands(VI), Saint Kitts and Nevis(KN), and Netherlands Antilles(AN).