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Disclaimer: the LAMP/GLMP web pages that display live, updating data are not considered operational but are available experimentally with no guarantee of availability in the future. The web pages are supported on an 8x5 basis, while the operational LAMP/GLMP data are available and supported 24x7 on NCEP web services. For more information about the data availability on the NCEP web services, see:

Localized Aviation MOS Product

Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts
Sky Cover
Pcpn. Popo Potential
 Pcpn. Pop01 Potential
 Pcpn. Type
Lightning 1hr
Convection 1h

Forecast period starting: for SANCARLOS (KSQL) CA
Return to station list or select another station (hit Submit above)     

Please see relevant notes below the meteogram.

Note: The 21Z LAMP cycle is verified against the 12Z MOS forecast.

(1) In general, METAR observations are denoted by a red triangle. SPECI observations are denoted by a red star. For exceptions and further information, please see the table below.

(2) LAMP runs every 15 minutes for ceiling height, visibility, and obstruction to vision. The runs at :00, :15, and :45 go out to 3 hours, and the run at :30 goes out 38 hours. The different runs are denoted by different color ceiling and visibility forecasts.
(3) All other elements, except as noted here, cover the 25-h period.

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Meterological Development Laboratory
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Page Last Modified: January 24 2025 16:26:18. UTC